Friday, June 13, 2003

Walking along a pond of marbles

2:36am I sent an e-mail to cousin Shirley to get as much contact information as possible for other members of the extended family so that I can start a Yahoogroup for everyone. I also sent out a message on my own family's Yahoogroup hoping that it will stimulate everyone else into sharing something. It bothers me that we aren't close. But I know you can't force closeness. Regrettably, it is something that is or something that develops over time.

Talked to Rey online today. Briefly. Jokingly I call him "Danger Boy" because of what I sense, but I actually think he's harmful only to himself. I'm also drawn to him because there's more to him than what would appear on the surface. True, that could be said about all of us, but some people you just know these things about. A divining rod for tortured souls I am, I am.

In order to hear certain things, you must first become a mouse.

I'd like to go out dancing this weekend. Lena and I talked about it briefly online. All the UC crowd has their finals this week. When you stop dancing every week, it seems like a long time in between going out. I miss it but I don't.

I got an e-mail from that a CD I ordered back in February that kept getting delayed was not going to be delivered because they couldn't obtain it. I'm so glad they notified me because I was waiting on pins & needles putting an entry into this journal every day waiting for the damn thing. Haha... I don't ever remember what the thing was. Oh yes, some guy from Tampa, FL recommended it to me. It will have to exist in the void that is everything that I know not.

I've been at work an hour now and taken 4 calls. Yippee.