Thursday, June 05, 2003

Close open. Close open.

10:26pm WOrking. More laundry on my mind when I get home. Vegetables and ranch dip. Water.

Arturo has vacation time in July and wants to do a road trip to San Francisco. July 7th to the 11th. I checked the vacation planner and the 7th an the 11th are blacked out booked up already. I'm hoping there isn't much of a wait list because that would be a fun trip. I could use one of the days as an ESN if I had to.... but it's the group drive that really makes the fun.

As much as two people may want to communicate, it really is incumbent upon them both to make an effort. They are only as strong as the weakest link. I've always been the one who doesn't want to talk or who keeps closed. It's weird being on the other side.