10:48am Angry at myself right now.....a good run will expel the demons within, but first some time with friends and household chores.
Rocephin, Doxycycline, Neomycin, Prozac....these are the drugs sharing space with my body. Most of us don't realize the delicate nature of how our body operates. An infection enters and changes a microscopic system which in turn causes soreness, fever, maybe fatigue. A heart might race, pounding harder, pushing blood that carries toxins as well as soldier-cells to cure whatever invades. We're so much further along than our cave dwelling days, but still at the mercy of invisible organisms.
Invisible.... one cannot see without communication. One cannot be safe without knowledge. Enter the concept of trust which ultimately seals whether or not the communication of knowledge is real or not. Ignorance is only bliss when comprehension cannot be grasped. That's my problem, I usually comprehend. Damn.
So I did my social duty and talked to relevant parties. The source is still a mystery. Conjecture and educated guessing only serve to help quell the anger at myself---they are not to be believed any more than the invisibility which brought them to me.
This really sucks.