Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Leakage of Boxers to Dreams of bedtime

5:00am Waiting can really pay off sometimes. Being the impatient soul that I am, that's a bold statement with much meaning. I just spent four really amazing hours in my living room. The company was the key ingredient. Vibe-o-meter is off the chart and I

Kissing has always been my favorite thing to do. Ever since that horrible day on the People Mover with Brandy Carrick Freshman year, I have vowed to savor and enjoy every kiss or not have one at all.

My head has this all too familiar afterglow feeling that I remember from drugs of years past. I feel so completely on a natural high right now. I close my eyes to process the next thought to write and my mind replays that a smile forms on my faces and my head bobs to the side, resting on my shoulder in the memory bliss.

Jeans tossed to the floor; boxers, socks and tank cuddling the softness that is my skin until someday when it's touched again by his hands and warmed deeply by his heat.