Sunday, November 30, 2003

Memory Flash

Cyber life appeals to some part of me, but is in conflict with others.
Wah.. Wah.. WAH!

I just had a flash memory of the night in February watching Paul Van Dyk spin. was a flash of afterwards being in the parking lot across the street from The Mayan with Jennifer, Chris and all of their friends. A VW Car with three guys pulled up and joined us. They didn't know anyone there. I had some leftover beer in the trunk of my car from something and I passed it around. We went dancing at The Orion building and the strangers ended up paying my way into the place since I had no cash left on me. We thought they were gay but they said they weren't. It was hard to deny when one of the guys had a yellow t-shirt on with a picture of a bannana, peeled and a smiley face. I was charged up that night.

Conjure One - Center Of The Sun (29 Palms Remix)

Love Bite - Take Your Time