Tuesday, March 08, 2005

ASStral Planes

Something made me laugh a few hours ago. I went to go write about it on here and found that the blogger site was running slow and in waiting, trying different ways to access the site and then the other things like phone calls and laundry, I completely forgot what it was I was going to type about. I find that happening more often these days. (Both finding things funny and forgetting)

I read on some boy's MySpace.com profile that who he is looking to meet is someone that he can call his best friend. That made me pause and smile. Still brings chills and moisture in the eyes. I mean, that really says it all. The perfect body, the smartest guy, the best lover, the most magic moments really are just that; individual memories in time. That guy that you plan things with and share the moments and laugh like best friends do is such a simple concept and a treasure in a maze.

I sent a card to my grandfather. He's in the hospital for surgery this week. Eighty-five in July. I know I don't want to live that long. It's the quality of life and not the quantity that I look at. If I can't remember who you are or anything of what we've shared then where is the value? It's in the selfishness of those that are alive and healthy to keep you around for their benefit. It's the same with people and suicide. People like to tell you how much they love you and how sad they would be if you weren't here anymore. And while true, it's also true that people move on and that after a varying amount of time they laugh, live and let go. Think of all the people that have tried to kill themselves and have failed and have been caught and institutionalized. Who's paying for them to live doped up in seclusion? Yes, the rest of us because we won't do the humane thing and let them have their death. We'd rather force our will upon them. All I'm saying is that when your dog or cat gets to a point where they're in pain or agony you take them to the vet and "put them to sleep." Sometimes we people need our sleep too.