Character quirk idea:
Character who has an eating habit of picking up a chip and taking a bite and then replacing the rest of the chip that he/she is holding back into the bowl/bag where the other chips are. This could be done with many different foods. I came up with the idea while eating peanut brittle yesterday from my SEES candy order.
There was something that I said on Tuesday night during movie night that was the perfect set-up for a movie scene.....of course, I have no idea what that is right now.
Finances seem to be on the up swing again. This is good because I over-indulged the fact that I had so much excess.
Chuck is so funny. He goes on a trip to San Francisco to visit Aries and I find him online at 2:30am talking to his new boy. I know that life's value is ultimately tied up in the bonds of the relationships that we keep, but... nah, nevermind. Who's to say what is healthy or not. What is adult and what is not. When I met Randy we spent every day together for weeks before not seeing each other. Is that being unhealthy or simply fulfilling a human need? For myself, I'd have to say unhealthy looking back over the whole of the relationship. I think that when we spend that much time with someone in the very beginning of getting to know them we have tunnel vision. We focus on the good feelings of being satisfied with someone and the larger issues we don't see or overlook. (On purpose) This is clearly evident to me in my more recent experiences over the past 9 months with Javier, Ryan, Paul & Douglas. Of those four, Ryan was the person I was seeing with almost daily regularity. I felt so attached to him, so close; bonded. I think it's better learning over a longer period of time with the opportunity to view actions and behaviour before getting attached.
This doesn't preclude a completely romantic sweeping off one's feet. There can still be lust at first site with a growing affection and love. I'm just saying that often times we're so busy trying to figure out who we are in the context of a "we" that we have never figured out who we are as a "me." Stringing from one person to the next to the next, like Tarzan on vines, isn't the way to navigate the dating jungle. Or is it?