Monday, September 01, 2003
Beach Brainstorm
What type of transmission have I been sending to the receivers around me? As I lay on the beach by myself, chewing chunks of fruit and listening to my music. Bouncing my head to the beat. It's Ali's CD. I'm trying not to amke it too loud--I don't want to be a typical fag today--although shirtless on the beach is pretty much jumping on the bandwagon. The bleed of the pen has me writing differently. Crunchy fruit with sticky tropical juice on my fingers. So hungry. I want someone to be next to me an cuddling like last night. It was really nice to be laying next to him again. Why can't he & I get our shit together individually or together. We just keep bumping in the vast darkness of our closed eyes. I wish I could fly fly away. I should run some today. Before Work. Yes yes. I should.