Friday, September 12, 2003

Passing Away

What does it say when your trick has to come back to your door and ring the doorbell at 8am to get a jump because he left the lights on and his car won't start?

In my late teens, stress was always physically manifested in my lower back. The height of the pain was when I was 19 and moving to Sacramento. I was playing tennis with Arturo and my back completely gave out on me. Nowadays, the stress settles in my lower neck and shoulders. It limits my range of motion tilting my head side to side.

It's Friday. My Monday. 9am. Two hours to go and then I'm home to sleep. I feel drained. I was wide awake when I started working. I took my dose around the time that I started work and I think that it may have started the sleepies around 6:30am. I'll play with the dose again tomorrow and try taking it around 8 so that I can be sleepy by 12.