I'm like....yeah, you know? And then, sometimes, it's like--that funny feeling that jumps out at me; hmm. So I was thinking....and then it got away from me and I thought, oh yeah!! What a freak.
It's so late, and I'm so not tired, and I so think that using the word "so" again would be so redundant, but so satisfying for this mood. Silly. There is this inescapable truth to psychological patterns, molds, connections. The reasons why one type of person is drawn toward another. Jeremy Woods, Randy Avery, & Lanny Brown all had problems when it came to alcohol. Problems that I have watched them grow through & resolve (save Jeremy) but nonetheless I was drawn to them at the times when they were heavy into the alcohol. I'm afraid of that pattern with Randy (present). I think it's a purely unconscious attraction on my part, but as I'm more keen on seeing it, it becomes ever more conscious. As I type I can hear Randy seemingly talking to himself in the bedroom.
Nathan & I had a great dinner tonight. I feel like he's let me a little more into the realm of what he's dealing with and as I'm more a part of that, I feel less shunned. We carried the night over to Mickey's where the music was surprisingly phenomenal and the eye candy spring fresh....haha. We went back to my car for me to towel off (drenched as I was) and to take a breather. There was a message from Randy on my voice mail that Bobby & Joey were coming over to keep him company so we decided to go home to see them.
Bobby & Joey have left to go home. I miss spending as much time with them as I used to. They live in Riverside and the distance is some of the factor, but also, the fact that I don't go out and dance as often on Thursday Nights with them cuts down on when I see them. It's all the end I know that things are as they are for a reason, though it may elude me today. They're my little brothers and they always will be.
I didn't intend on a book tonight, but there is a lot on my mind an I haven't really scratched the surface.
asdfjkl;, asdfjkl;, aqa, aza, sws, ded, juj, kik, lol, ;p;, and these are the fingers lessons I learned that for some reason just popped into my head.