Thursday, August 02, 2001


Sitting here in training, I'm remembering the feeling of being in school again. I'm staring into space, bored because it doesn't move fast enough. I don't think it ever can.

I was reading some of the other diaries on here yesterday when I got home from work. There was a very bad vibe at home and to clear the air I tried to focus on other people's lives. A pseudo-escape into real life/pseudo-fiction lives of others. It wasn't really working, so Randy & I went to school to see why our registration was halted. Ahh, schoolastic bureaucracy.

So we're on a break now. The trainers are discussing their schedule for tomorrow, a couple other technicians are talking about taxing churches and here I am in the corner of the building, staring out the window of the second floor, watching the smokers down below. Gray is starting to leave. The sun in finally burning through. My reflection is in the window and I'm watching my fingers race across the keyboard. I don't think I've every done that before, watched my own fingers on the keyboard through a reflection. It's almost confusing.

But hey....I'm bored, not confused. I think I'm half Asian too. Bye bye.