Wednesday, August 29, 2001


I started reading. "The Front Runner" by Patricia Nell Warren. I'm up to chapter four and already I'm engrossed, which is saying a lot considering that I can probably count the number of books I've read on both hands for the last 10 years. The story opens literally five days after my birth in 1974. I'm finding passages that would be good to read to classes while speaking on behalf of PFLAG. Passages that convey very simply and honestly what it is to be gay without preaching about it.

I'm still poor. It's not about the money. haha

Mark & I walked arount Belmont Shores today. I could have joined the FRONTLINE for GreenPeace, but it probably wouldn't have been for the right reasons. I'm broke, I need my money more than GreenPeace does. They just want my grean pieces.

I'm supposed to be doing some overtime right now. Aye (shaking head).