One of the joys of working graveyard is that this is the time of night when all of the systems we use for work go through maintenance. What? You want me to perform a change on your account? You want me to actually help you? I'm sorry, I apologize; you're shit outta luck. =)
So what's left to do? Quiet time with myself. Chit-chat with the co-workers. Listening to music. Writing. Yes, writing for another 1 1/2 hours before lunchtime.
I heard from Cardwell today that Nathan was in the E.R. because of possible appendicitis. What's next? I tell you, this health stuff is really a pain. Super Size Me! (Movie reference)
I spent the better part of yesterday morning playing Custom Robo on The Game Cube. I finally had to stop when I couldn't take reading the storyline any longer.
There was a wonderful BBQ gathering at the house on Sunday. I thought maybe 10 people would show. I think there were 25 there. Mom showed up. My new cell phone --of 3 days--found out that hiding under the water in the spa was not conducive to staying on. Furthermore, the toaster oven is not the most hospitable place for a cell phone's back cover to dry off in. It resembled a colorform more than it did a cell phone cover by the time I was done with it there. Famous last words? (Which I don't remember speaking, but will take the words of my friends...) "I know what I'm doing, I'm in tech support." Oh the many giggles we get from imbibing.
6:45am... 1hr, 45min from freedom for the day. I think about what I want to get accomplished. Do I want to enjoy another day secluded in the house playing video games or do I need to be out in the sun? I need to get in touch with Marthalee. The thought has been in my head for a while now. I've also been preoccupied with thoughts from conversations with Cardwell about Eddy, about growing old, about selling his place and moving. I've been thinking about being single now and how the surge of independence is fueling my actions lately. (And though being single and content for the first time in over a year, I'm still entertaining the thoughts of "what if?")
Monday night was the second time I ate at the Yukon Mining Co. restaurant on Santa Monica Blvd. I went with Ali after a new "alternative" club opening flopped at The World building. I'm not sure if it was drag queen night or transgender meeting grounds. I do know that I was way outside of my element and I was reminded of that daily goal to do one thing each day that scares you. I was definitely not comfortable and I have been wondering about that feeling ever since. There is a power that emanates from this small community when they are together. I sense that even among their loud and caddy conversations, snickering about each other, they would be unified in a second should anyone in that restaurant disparage them in any way. I think what really scared were the johns more than the femmes. Yes, I just figured that out right now typing.