Monday, February 20, 2006

Lucky II

How do I remember tonight? I type it out. I try and recall the moments and hopefully the essence can be preserved. I think it is best done in random vignettes and not with a chronological approach.

My last description of Club Lucky
was not so favorable. This one is much better. I think there are several factors that make it better. The venue has changed since I last went. It's at Tiajuana's here in Irvine which makes it closer to home.

Nicolas sipping drinks whenever possible. He danced on the floor with a straw in his mouth for much of the time. Jovial. He kept dancing further and further into the crowd, all the time wanting to get up on the stage. "They're so bad." he would say after watching the dancers move to the music. This, of course, is subjective. One looks at them and can admire their bodies; may like the way that they move; may be compelled to put money into their waist bands. Haha. Not him.

Guy joined us. I drove Charles & Nicolas from the house. Charles was the first to arrive at the house and then Ken showed up. Nicolas was last and they all had a drink downstairs as we conversed in the kitchen with Justin. Art came home and the computer folk started talking in their language. I could see Nicolas' face tune out as he looked at the alcohol. I wanted to have a sip, but I was driving. After we all got into the club with the free passes, I took Ken's phone to give guy directions off of the 405 & Sand Canyon. He was coming from Ripples and did not have a shirt to wear so he ended up wearing my gray, long-sleeve thermal. He still has it now that I think about it, and his shirt is in my trunk.

I was washing my hands in the bathroom and this boy comes up to me. He opens conversation with, "Are you a top?" I let out a small laugh and move to go dry my hands. He proceeds to tell me about his friend and that I should make out with him. I say that's very nice, but his friend is probably too young for me. He asks my age and I reveal. (Kind of hoping this would end the conversation and he would move along, but it doesn't.) At this point his friend joins and we're still all standing in the bathroom having a conversation about our names, that they both go to UCLA but live in Santa Barbara and Santa Monica respectively. I have decided not to drink much this night and find this chat amusing. A girl walks up to the bathroom door with a guy's hand in hers. "Do you guys know where I can get some coke?" Without a beat, I say, "a-cola?" She stares blankly at all of us. Shifty. We say no and she moves on the the women's bathroom.

Ken ended up with the attention of two suitors. They left before the rest of us. I smile to think that Ken is usually the one who doesn't want to goto a club. No dancing. He danced tonight. I think he had fun. There is pause when I think I've known him for almost four years now. Art and Guy carried Ken out to the dancefloor and I got a picture with Art's camera. I'm glad that Guy came out. I don't know him that well and hope that in time that will change. He has insight and experience that I'm sure I could learn from. He has a pain in him that I can see & sense, but never make the mistake that I could understand or feel it.

Dancing, dancing, dancing. I kept laughing. I smiled when I would watch Nicolas. I felt joy watching Charles dance with everyone.

Audra...the slow ass, big titty, bleached blonde bartender. (Ok..had to throw that in at the end.)