Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Hot & Cold of Leather Seats

I just listened to a message that made my weekend. Yes, true, I make my weekend. I choose this, that, the other thing. There be no islands in America. (Do not take me literally) I've been enjoying myself anyway, but this phone message just made me smile ear to ear. (That's a funny picture.) Friday night was I was in a knot because I had not heard from Nathan about what the plans for the weekend were. I felt like I was on hold to plan but all the time knowing that I was putting that hold on myself because of an expectation of having Randy, Nathan and I together. After a long nap, I felt no better and forced myself to go out. Joshua (Gray) and his friend were also going out. Round off the group with Eddy and an evening in West Hollywood was actually a nice removal from the brooding of my bedroom.

When I received a voice mail from Nathan on Saturday morning. I was ambivalent about calling him back. Randy was already on his way down to Ensenada. I opted out of the trip because I didn't feel like the long drive there nor did I wish to spend the night. On the drive home from WeHo, there was a voice mail message from lil Alex (Salcedo). It was an invite to his 24th birthday party at Eye Candy. Another chapter passing before my eyes. I've known Alex since he was 18. He was at my 26th birthday party. I've listened to countless grunts from Randy about the boy. I thought it was a very kind gesture that he remembered me and cared enough to call to let me know about the gathering considering I have not hung out with him in years.
An idea was forming in my head that if someone who I am not close to on any daily level wants me somewhere that they're going to be and a friend who I've contacted to try and make plans doesn't get back to me that I should probably go where I've been invited. It was a hard, but easy choice.

Saturday daytime was mostly spent cleaning here and there. Joshua and his friend, Michael, stayed most of the day. We joined Art & AJ for lunch at Wendy's and took in some Coldstone afterward. Mmmm.... I made my own concoction of Vanilla Bean ice cream, white chocolate chips, crunch bar and almonds. (I could go for some more, actually.) Eric texted me and that put a smile on my face. He came over for a couple hours and we spent most of the time together on the computer looking at profiles, downloading music and then playing Smash Bros. until Rey & Charlene arrived. Then he went home in his car while my car took the other two to pick up Eddy so we could go to Eye Candy. I stayed long enough to remember the group of friends I don't see too much. Alex's roommate, Danny, the son of a preacher man. Bobby was there. (Sans Joey, of course.)

My car moved on down Santa Monica Blvd. to the main strip area and we had drinks at Motherlode and then danced at Rage. Eddy found a way to get himself thrown out. Then he found a way to let me leave him there as I drove the other two back to my house.

The phone message that I just listened to was from Martin. He left it at 2:42 a.m. That was the exact time of the ordeal trying to find Eddy and get him to my car to leave WeHo. I was not smiling at all during that time. My energy must've been pulling for something special to sling-shot me back to myself. (Although always myself) So I'm still smiling... and today is going to be beautiful & bright.

Tell me Quando....quando....quando.