Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Milieu of the Mind

Today Verizon Wireless considers me a vested employee with three years under my belt at the company. A little over three years ago I was working part time at Borders Books and had a temp assignment with a retirement home doing data entry of their work orders. My eyebrow was pierced for the first time then. It was a hoop that had become infected. I would struggle to keep myself awake in the underground parking garage office space in Costa Mesa. I fought my instinct to make their coding system better and adding my $.02 as I was trying to perform a mindless task. I had left Ingram Micro's management team so that I wouldn't have to worry myself with such pressing matters like what is the branding message that we want to present with this product? I was falling in love and that made all of the uncertainty of money just fine.

I was explaining to Cardwell at lunch yesterday that I feel like I'm in this time capsule. I'm aware of certain things moving forward around me, but I'm keeping myself inert. I'm not fond of the choices society has made for itself and don't want to be part of that. Alas, I am part of it all, regardless of whether I swim with the big fish or lay anchored with the coral. Mark says you have to be able to live with yourself. I've done a pretty good job of getting there, but I have a way to go.

So I continue to do something everyday that scares me. I let a little bit more of myself out of the box and the world gets to see something they've never seen before. (And I get to become comfortable amid the expressions I encounter.)

Quick Flash Memories of the last week:
-Trip to Beat It with Tyler, Cardwell & JD
-Story of Eddy crawling through a doggie door in a robe
-Plans for a Sunday Brunch underway with the family
-Dominic gets a card with a jock strap
-Cardwell & I have been spending more time hanging out
-"This wouldn't have happened in Long Beach"
-Nathan remains in my mind, but I'm lost to finding solace there.
-A man who used to sell me Ben & Jerry's ice cream was stabbed to death at the 7-11 less than a mile from the house. Sure, Irvine is safe, but it isn't immune to this plague of our own humanity. I wish I could disperse my energy to them all.... but that would leave me no more.