Thursday, July 20, 2000

Sixth Sense

"Whisper of a Thrill" (A Joe Black reference)

In my original nature....I trust and bond very easily. Over time, I've learned to shield this vulnerability from the harshness of wayward personalities. Supplying that kind of energy is often times not worth just taking chances.

So I started what seemed like a destructive path a few weeks ago; opening up to all sorts of connections and highways. In being open, I'm finding instant attachments--like chemicals being dumped into a beaker to find out which ones will form compounds.

Energy. There is a certain amount in us all and over time it leaves us, being left with people & places that we've been. Sure enough we gain some from other people and places, and when it's gone, so are we. THEORY... People mate for many reasons: love, arrangement, stability, dominance, etc....but what I've seen with my own patterns is an exchange. I've given some of the energy that was needed by someone else and in turn I've been fueled by an engery that I lacked. This phenomenon is ubiquitous for me.

Steve made a comment yesterday during one of his smoke breaks with Marlowe that he knows when I'm depressed because I act happy. Hahaha... Perhaps there's some truth to this backwards display, but if he sees me today and thinks that I'm happy with this misdirection then he'd be wrong. I'm happy today because I had a wonderful date last night and I'm looking forward to the next. It's been a long time since a date actually gave me this feeling. I know it has a lot to do with the fact that he's witty, "hella cute" (lol), and when I look into his eyes to read, I see that energy.