Saturday, July 15, 2000

3rd Charm (Montage VIP Night)

Car alarms are ridiculously annoying. One is going off somewhere outside right now. I hope the radio is taken by now.

I just finished a "wake me up" dance session here @ Gary's place. (I'm house sitting again) Some quickly put together compilation set form Virgin, DJ Jurgen. Just what I need before I jump in the shower and head down to San Diego.

I mentioned boys in the last entry. One, would be my reason for heading down to S.D. so early. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. I detected something in my instincts when I met him on the Sunday of 4th of July weekend. Something that I told Nathan was not necessarily a good thing...alas, instincts are not always laser-like with examples to support the feelings. ((It's wonderful when they are.))

Last night was a good time had by Chuck, Steve & myself. Watched "X-Men" at Triangle Square and then had a food stuffing session at Denny's. I've got to stop eating so late at night. =)

Okay...shower time. I still got that spot.