Monday, July 07, 2008

You've Reached This Link...

...It's an odd, passing thought that my posted thoughts here could be viewed in a wider sense of the "www" than just a few days ago when only my friends and family really knew about it. True, it is not private or password protected, but it is also not written for a specific audience, nor do I try and write with a particular style, purpose or slant which is often the case with someone's blog. Accordingly, I've always thought of this as my journal and not a blog. I suppose I should have started--or transferred--these writings to instead, but blogger had more of the functionality I was looking for when I switched from back in 2000.

Anyway...if you don't know me and are reading this--AND really want to know me--you'll just have to start from the beginning and work your way forward. If you're here for some leisurely fluff then I encourage you to use the CONDUIT links on the side to look at pictures or watch YouTube.

If you do know me--or think you do--then... There's nothing for me to say at all. ;-)