Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Hi Friend

"Hi Friend" is a greeting I have heard in many different capacities in the last couple months. I saw the word "brainstorm" in an IM I was part of yesterday and as I sat down to write tonight the word flashed in my head and I realized that it's been a long time since I've just let out a continuous stream of thought.... so here I am.

Between Nick, another French guy I met last week named Dominic and a random message from a French boy, Steve, in Paris I've made the joke that I'm a French Magnet. While sharing this with my roommate, Charlie, I joked that I should get a shirt that says, "I'll Fuck you if you French me." I'm sure the humor will not translate to this journal entry, but it was funny at the time and something that I do not want to forget as the years roll by....

And rolling by they are. I received an email from Lanny yesterday that put all of that into some perspective. At least it began to clarify the lines. (what does that mean?) I often think in phrases that paint images or conjure emotions. From time to time I have gone back and read my entries (not often) and I'll read a passage where the wording perplexes me but I will remember the feeling of the time when I wrote it. It's the way I'm wired I guess. As the Goldfrapp lyric goes...."I'm wired to the world. That's how I know everything. I'm superbrain. That's how they made me."

Now playing on Winamp: Goldfrapp - Utopia

So about 45minutes ago I posted the song info above... I then got side-tracked and looked up the video on YouTube which led me to my own YouTube page which led me to look at Nick's YouTube videos and I saw heard his mother for the first time. That was a special moment. I went back to my page and watched "The Angry Asian" and "When Orientals Drink." I've been smiling and laughing so much since then. Which brings me back to my brainstorm and the feelings that have led me here.

I got an email from Lanny last night that and he talked about dreams. Dreams in life. Inspiration really. When I write I feel that dream. He reminds me of that every so often and I file the thought away in my head somewhere. I need to stop doing that.

And Bobby needs to stop with this lemonade diet. Not happy about that. But then...