Tuesday, January 15, 2008

From These Lips

Been having a nice time relaxing @ Alex's place for the past few hours. I needed decompression time to process the idea of taking on a new job; new industry.... next chapter. I've also given myself permission to have a week off and sort through all the feelings that are coming up because of this. Waiting to hear back from the good ole' psyche guy to unload for an hour there.

Music is to be the medicine.
People are to be the cradle.
I am to be the microscope.

Now is now. The future is...... now.

Saturday night out with Charlie, Mark, Hektor. Arturo and Scott joined up. I don't think that will last very long. It will last as long as Arturo wants to play the game. Mark is back East now. He will use the tail end to visit with Charles....I envy him. Maybe I will find the time to do the same soon.

I must get to Seattle soon. Grandpa..... sigh.

I like my mind slow like this.