Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I thought about having some green tea. Jasmine green tea. Instead, I have a strong desire to go to Albertsons and get some juice. As I think about this for just a few seconds I see Boston Legal on TV and watch the opening scene which makes me laugh so I sit here a few minutes longer. I turn off the chat program that has friends looming under categories so that I'm not side-tracked too much from going the store and finally find myself here writing about it.

Tomorrow. Wednesday. I will have an hour of talking where I will attempt to unlock, clarify, understand. Is it just a game to play with one's self? Another way that I can focus energy on one thing instead of another. Is this the pattern that I follow to keep me going these days? It certainly isn't the clutching of pillows instead of heat.....

a memory:
It was last Tuesday and I was home from work. Safe and comfortable in bed, looking out the window to blue skies and rain pelting on the window.