Sports Kids Moms & Dads? Reality TV must be relieved. It's not reality. It's moments on camera edited to sell comedy & drama so that some people can get famous and corporations can sell products. No? I think so.
I'm thinking about how I act when I'm around other people. Small groups vs. large groups vs. one-on-one vs. massive amounts of people. Most of the time I don't want to be around people, or only want to be around people who know me very well. Sometimes I feel myself drowning in a sea of people unless I'm focused talking to a friend or a small group. It's like the minds of all these people are suddenly open to me. I read their body language. I watch their facial expressions. I immediately get sensations based upon these observations. This is completely controllable with a small group or one person, but not in larger.
Gay Pride Weekends start....