Sunday, May 08, 2005

Laundry Softies Clinging

Mind Washing:
Here I am. A glass of water on my shelf, tumbling sounds from the dryer and I need to take a shower soon. Mind is a hodge podge tonight. I think of writing short stories and eating ice cream. Thoughts of running in the Summer nights and treading water at the beach. I spoke to Gil on the phone for the first time this evening. I bought a pin-striped tuxedo for The Center's dinner last night and it needs to be dry cleaned now. That glass of water is still there. I wasn't thirsty, but the more I eye it, the dryer my mouth gets. (I - EYE - AYE)..homonyms, HOMOnyms. What "stuff" can I get rid of in my room? Take up less space. Minimize. I have to register for classes tomorrow. More money to spend. I called Mother's Day a day to celebrate passing through the bloody hole. It's my own grotesque humor. Day planner boxes start in 1996 and carry through to the present. They're lined on the shelf in the closet. They are markers of thoughts like these from the past; they're maps to the daily routines I once had. I've fought off my urges to randomly hook up with someone. I know it's not what works or what is truly wanted. Nathan. His dad. Randy stuck in an elevator for three hours. Medication. Dusty window blinds. Pictures, pictures.... pictures. Like lint to the screen, emotion is drawing me toward wants and needs. My 31" TV bought in 1992 has started to go out. I guess that's one thing I could take out of the room. Minimize. I'm going to light some candles now. Shower.