Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Inside The Red TSX

1pm. The straight away of the 15 FWY. Climbing uphill, it's dark and gray ahead of us. The rain has not stopped. Ears popping. I just tried to burn my first CD on this laptop. Instead of burning a CD I crashed and burned. Madonna saves us. A "holiday" is what we've been on. it seems I've spoken too soon again. The CD is skipping. Ok, out with Madonna and Janet's single for "All Night Long" replaces here. Old school for old school. None of this lil girl bubble gum crap I keep hearing. Pop. 178 miles to home according to GPS. Ten years ago I could not envision sitting in the passenger seat of a car that would have an on-board computer while I typed on a laptop. The laptop is courtesy of Texas Station and a wild night of wreckless betting that put me up enough to go to Best Buy the next morning and purchase the new baby. Chase was the super cute Best Buy employee that held our hand in the buying process for the baby. Not Arturo's "type" per se, but the tattoos and the faux surfer necklace were working well enough for me.

We've entered the abyss. I can hear the pelting on the windshield before I look up to actually witness the rain. I don't want to hear any more about a drought come Summer. Thirty-some odd inches of rainfall already. Homes sliding. Mustang in front of us kicking up blinding water and the wipers go to the next level to give sight. Even these desert hills just past state line are showing green. I've never seen it before. It's not the eyes that are naive, just the places they've been.

I've been thinking of going to Seattle sometime soon. It's really going to depend on what happens with money in the next month or so. 1:10pm... Rest.