Now playing on Winamp: PM Dawn - I'd Die Without You
via FoxyTunes
"Is it my turn..."
........and I think about the little thoughts that never make it up here. How are they any less important. Sometimes they are more important and therefore cannot be written so publicly.. previously spelled "publically" as I pronounced it in my head as I could hear Nick saying it possibly. Awake near 3am listening to PM Dawn. A sense of some irony. I thought of the song because Arturo was at the dinner party this evening. This song used to come on all the time when we would get in the car together back when we first met. That's the memory. The song may have only come on twice or three times but the coincidence formed a connection and the connection tied to feelings of our hearts and minds and we made it special. I remember that. I always remember that around him.
So by most accounts I heard terms like "success" and "fun" and "good" about the gathering. Something that in my head was conceptualized as a simple meal among a few friends turned out to be a double digit attendance of the personality spectrum. All night I was least concerned about the success or failure of the happening but more in the dynamics of how people interacted. Alcohol didn't make me tipsy or stupid or indulge recklessly... I just found myself relaxed and unencumbered by the normal host duties of seeing to everyone's needs.
"Is it my turn to wish you were lying here?"