Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Week 2, Day 1

I told Ryan earlier today that the 3-H Club is such a fun force in our lives: the head, heart & hormones. It seems that the goal for many is to try and balance these things, and for some it is to balance these things with one person to share their lives with. Perhaps that this goal is not an easy task is itself laudable for the undertaking. I know those who would argue that finding that balance from a more "global" perspective is a pragmatic and more harmonious approach.

I think from the time we are very small we are taught to love-love. We are taught to love the idea of being in love and all of the splendorous things it will bring to us. I think some of us delude ourselves while some of us hardly allow the imagination to crack open. I think it's been a long time since I've felt giddy for a consistent amount of time.

I had two very important phone conversations today. One was with Laney and the other with Nathan. One turned 35 last month and the other turns 30 this month. Hopefully when September rolls around I will have spent time with both of them for their birthdays.

Midnight approaches and I'm going to let the rest of my thoughts ferment in Never Never Land.