Monday, September 11, 2006

Mary Manic Monday

I walked to get fast food at lunch today. I called Charles when I left to do it. I was originally walking to my car and then I thought about the fact that I'm low on gas and funds until Friday and I could get some exercise in while saving money. Novel, eh? Well, turns out the closest fast food is Carl's Jr-----OH WAIT...gotta go to CARLJR.COM....

hahahah... ok... Now, to explain. Rey and I were at Carl's Jr while visiting Cardwell a week ago and they have this contest for Burger Slayers. You take a picture on a camera phone and send it in to them. Yes... go look at the pictures. It could be you. Imagine.

----back to my thought----and I walk into Carl's Jr. and it's packed with a line around into the dining area and out the back door. There was no way I was going to get my lunch and be able to walk back. Future thought.... Jamba Juice is a closer walk and better for me.

It was Justin and I under one umbrella yesterday at the beach. The under tow was much stronger than the weeks before. I like that. I like diving under just as the wave is about to crash down, feeling it's power was right over me and grabbing at my feet. I often turn around to face the shore as soon as I emerge so that I can watch the white water and see who made it and who did not. Depending on the beach I have to turn around to face the expanse because there may be another wave on its way. "Never take your eyes off the ocean." said the lifeguard one day. I laugh, but I know how frail I am compared to one curl of the wave's might.

I been feeling like I want to get pierced again.

A change up of the room means that my emotions are moving. Moving furniture has always been my way of expressing things I can't put to words. I'm hoping minimal words will be able to communicate my intentions.

Speakers imply.
Listeners infer.