Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Kick-off Working

I ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning. Let's see if this breakfast thing will actually keep me awake until lunch or if boredom really is the culprit. (In which case I should start investing in Monster drinks.)

I got my schedule for DreamDinners last night and originally had Friday night off, but a co-worker needed the night off so I agreed to work it. I really work with a bunch of talented people there. My manager is part of the Flaming Lotus Girls. Our dish washer has music oozing out of him. Another co-worker is a student, swimmer, rock climber, writer and I'm sure much much more. It's nice to be envigorated by the energy of people who are very much "alive."

Strange. Mom just called and she's on her way down to California. I'll have to get the 411 on that on a break.