A dream sequence.
Richard Pryor Is In An Old Person's Leisure Community. He would call the emergency line so that the red golf card with the flashing red light would come to his home with the siren on. A white golf cart would follow it. Then, when the person in the red golf cart would enter his house, he would sneak out and get in the red golf cart and drive it away. The chase would ensue. It was his way of keeping alive and having fun while in this environment. The dream takes a complete change....
Can't find my car. Can't find my car. My brothers are with me. It's at a school with very steep grassy hills and a parking ticket dispenser. We were all at the home of our mutual sports coach. The sport is either eluding me at the moment or was never revealed in the dream. There was a party or a series of parties happening and we were part of the celebration. The coach had two daughters and a son for sure. The oldest daughter had her own bathroom. The other daughter you can tell just recently had this privilege extended to her because the bathroom attached to her room had a second door that was open to another bedroom, however, she had rigged the door with something in order to make it hard to open. I know this because I had to get in through this door because I was going to wash my hands. While looking for the car a boy showed me how to cross one section of the cliff quickly. There was a wooden handle next to the ledge that had nails sticking out of it which made it difficult--if not impossible--the hold on to. I believe I poked my left hand and this is what solicited the advice from the boy. Another boy, the son of the coach, wanted me to listen to the music from his ipod device while we were sitting and waiting the oldest sister's room. I had a key with a square head that also had an ipod connection at the top and thought about plugging in my music instead of his but I put his in. I do not remember what, if any, music began playing. When my brothers and I were leaving the coach's house we saw his wife. She hugged us all at the same time, Philip on my left, Byron on my Right. I hesitated at first to join the hug but did to make the goodbyes go faster. We said goodbye to the coach. We were exiting through a door that was by the kitchen.
There are some details of the dream I have not written because of the detail and time to include it. Nothing has been omitted with any prejudicial forethought. There were many points in the dream where I felt I was watching it happen as though in an audience and the dream was on a screen unfolding. This was especially so during the Richard Pryor sequence.