Name: | Jeremy |
Birthday: | Thursday |
Birthplace: | EARTH |
Current Location: | Irvine, CA |
Eye Color: | Black in the middle, hazel around that, then white around that, WITH eyelids |
Hair Color: | Mom says it's Dark Brown, but we all know when you put product in it, looks black |
Height: | With shoes or without? 5'9" barefoot |
Right Handed or Left Handed: | Yes |
Your Heritage: | I come from a long chain of DNA |
The Shoes You Wore Today: | It's 9:13am, i haven't worn any shoes yet. |
Your Weakness: | Giving people the benefit of the doubt. |
Your Fears: | Me, Myself & I |
Your Perfect Pizza: | Umm, cooked? |
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: | I don't play soccer anymore. |
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: | Super (Usually meant sarcastically) |
Thoughts First Waking Up: | Kill those birds |
Your Bedtime: | Anytime after midnight |
Your Most Missed Memory: | Spending time with my grandmother |
Pepsi or Coke: | RC Cola, duh. (Ok, Cherry Coke) |
MacDonalds or Burger King: | Jack-In-The-Box |
Single or Group Dates: | Single if just getting to know someone, Group if you've been together a while |
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: | Earl Grey, Jasmine, Chamomile (Hot) |
Chocolate or Vanilla: | Vanilla (Chocolate only with nuts) |
Cappuccino or Coffee: | Barf. Never finished a cup of coffee in my life. |
Do you Smoke: | Nope |
Do you Swear: | Darnit, what the Heck kind of question is this. Fudge! |
Do you Sing: | When I feel compelled to do so. |
Do you Shower Daily: | I'm scared that this is really a question. I'm not a commando. |
Have you Been in Love: | A few times. |
Do you want to go to College: | hahahaha, sometimes yes, sometimes no |
Do you want to get Married: | It's sort of a moot questions unless I live in Mass. |
Do you belive in yourself: | I think, therefore, I am. I believe so, or else who is pushing the keyboard keys? |
Do you get Motion Sickness: | Nope. (Not even on waterbeds) |
Do you think you are Attractive: | Interesting question. More so now than when I was younger. |
Are you a Health Freak: | Absolutely! Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream. |
Do you get along with your Parents: | In short bursts of time spread out. |
Do you like Thunderstorms: | Yes |
Do you play an Instrument: | I don't really consider the Piano an instrument so much as a little piece of heaven. |
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: | Yes |
In the past month have you Smoked: | Nope |
In the past month have you been on Drugs: | Hmm... do the pot brownies at SF Pride count? |
In the past month have you gone on a Date: | Yes |
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: | Yes sadly, I cannot tell a lie. |
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: | No, and if you have fatty, PUT THE BOX DOWN. |
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: | I'm not a canibal, and if I was I would not eat a Japanese girl. |
In the past month have you been on Stage: | I was called up from the audience at a Rudy de la More |
In the past month have you been Dumped: | Kinda hard to be dumped when you don't have a b/f and no one's taken me to a landfill |
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: | No. Only done it once in my life. Thanks Josh. |
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: | You don't really steal someone's virginity, right? |
Ever been Drunk: | Yes, in both senses of the question. |
Ever been called a Tease: | Yup... I'm old fashioned |
Ever been Beaten up: | Chad in kindergarten. Thanks for the stiches. |
Ever Shoplifted: | I take the 5th. (And I'll take that, and that and that too) |
How do you want to Die: | By my own choosing |
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: | It's never going to happen |
What country would you most like to Visit: | Australia |
In a Boy/Girl.. |
Favourite Eye Color: | Don't have one. |
Favourite Hair Color: | Umm... look one above |
Short or Long Hair: | Generally short, but longer hair sometimes catches my eye. |
Height: | Within a few inches taller or short than me. |
Weight: | Proportional to their body |
Best Clothing Style: | Like I know anything about style but having your own. |
Number of Drugs I have taken: | Well, caffeine is a drug, plus antibiotics, plus OTC and those "other" ones. I don't have any idea. |
Number of CDs I own: | Don't know, I rip them to my computer and then never look at them again usually. |
Number of Piercings: | None now. Have had, tongue, eyebrow, ears |
Number of Tattoos: | One. Chinese characters for "peaceful" and "tiger" |
Number of things in my Past I Regret: | Maybe one or two, but never dwell. |