Thursday, November 21, 2002

Believe me, It's true

Who takes care of me? sounds a wee bit selfish, but I've been thinking about it the past few days. There are times when I don't feel like being strong or decisive. I don't want to know the answer. I can't think to formulate an opinion. I want to sigh and retreat into someone else. These moments are brief, but they exist and I feel like they are never appeased.

I don't ask for help. I rely on the intuitive powers of those around me. I could make a shirt. "Ask me how I am." I think the common responses would be "fine" and "okay." Maybe.

It's not like I've had parents that could do this for me. The units of my family have never provided this need and have helped to cause distrust in letting other "adult" type people provide. Distrust is a word used lightly. It's also a sentiment that is in conflict with another part of me that leaves my doors unlocked and my windows down in my car when I go into the store. It's like I am drawn naturally to behave in one manner, but I have been taught something entirely different. Experience really is a mother fuck.

Randy has Metroid Prime on the cube and it's everything he'd hoped and more. I like watching. I can fall asleep apparently.