Monday, May 26, 2008

E Memorius

Flashes of light.... that's a scene of a dance floor in any club across the world. Some grids are better than others. Some lighting operators are better than others. The trick is knowing the music, the technology and being able to anticipate with accurate timing to make the lights a seamless part of the music.

Let go.... of inhibitions, notions, rigid bodies, self images of how you look when you move. Allow the music to instruct your limbs on the next movement. Feel the vibrations creeping over your skin to find your sensitive spots and coil around them. As I've always told people, "If you can count to four, you can dance."

The weather has not been kind this weekend. It appears there will be no beach ceremony to both initiate the Summer season and even out my comedic Long Beach Pride Festival tan lines. I know that the beach isn't going anywhere, but I'm sure that I could use a recharge from the ocean mist right about now. The sand between my fingers and toes; watching the grains slip down into mounds and then be flattened by the smoothing power of the next wave.

"In the beginning he created a groove...
...can you feel it? can you feel it?"
PUSH - "Universal Nation"