Tuesday, April 30, 2002

yea yea

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test because there is no way this could be real , right? Because if this was real then something must have happened. I'm still breathing and I think the rest of the world is still here, but maybe it's not. I went home for lunch and there was silence, and eerie something that hung in the air; awkwardness about moods and eating. Everybody has two sides. It's true. True, truth, truthest. Headache. I need a project to keep me busy until school starts. I thought of the closet with all of the many papers and memories, but I think that will be a bigger project than I have time for. School does begin in 28 days. The Mother's Day idea fell through. No one really responded too much and I didn't do prodding. I didn't feel like it. I don't want to feel like I used to in years past so I just let it go. I read a few other people's diary in the diary ring I'm in and I realized how disjointed I am. It's just exactly like I feel. The next 45 minutes until I'm off of work can't pass fast enough.

I got the official PASS score for the CBEST. Yeah.