So I decided to finally look around on this Diaryland site and see what else is here. The "Member of the Month" section looked somewhat here goes:
I need him--
But I say I don’t need anyone in this world.
(I open up to no one in this world)
But no one can take me so deeply to hurt
Like this boy who’s body finds me
And tackles my mind down hard,
Pushing so deeply into me
That I wish I knew how to fight
And I wish I could stand up and be the man
I’m supposed to be to him
So that I can hang out at his house;
So I can drive around with him;
So I can smoke one of his cigarettes;
So I can wash his dirty clothes
And make his bed each morning.
But I’m only his recreation
For the times when he can’t act anymore
And the truth that presses against me,
In the cold nights of his truck,
Is the truth that never leaves me.
Not the smell;
Not the taste;
Not the memories;
Not the wanting…