Saturday, February 13, 2016


"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind."

-Lelo & Stitch

So sad

Friday, June 26, 2015


I realize when going back and reading entries that the time in between entries grows, in part, because there is less need for me to document, process or explain myself.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

I was walking down Verdugo, when the tears oveRran my steps

Monday, May 04, 2015

CVC 21456(b)

21456.  Whenever a pedestrian control signal showing the words "WALK" or "WAIT" or "DONT WALK"  or other approved symbol is in place, the signal shall indicate as follows:

(a) "WALK" or approved "Walking Person" symbol. A pedestrian facing the signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal, but shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles lawfully within the intersection at the time that signal is first shown.

(b) Flashing or steady "DONT WALK" or "WAIT" or approved "Upraised Hand" symbol. No pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of the signal, but any pedestrian who has partially completed crossing shall proceed to a sidewalk or safety zone or otherwise leave the roadway while the "WAIT" or "DONT WALK" or approved "Upraised Hand" symbol is showing.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Gayme ON!

Listen to Episode 7 - Marvel's Giant Size Gayme On #1 by Gayme On Podcast #np on #SoundCloud

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Cycles of Sadness and Sight in the Marshiness

The past is a story of how you arrived at today, not necessarily the story of the future. The story of tomorrow takes time.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Extra! Extra! Read all about it: Ordinary

I spent plenty of time being extraordinary in my youth. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cow Comedy Humpday (without the humpty)

Reduced sodium beef jerky with no "added" MSG.  THE SMALL PRINT:  "Except in hydrolyzed corn protein which contains naturally occuring MSG." Well shit, at least the sodium part is a good thing.

Avicii - "Levels" 
Sometimes I too get a good feeling.  Tonight though, I had to induce it by turn my "5 Star" music list on deafly loud volume and dance/run in place for 15min in the Winter cold garage so that I'm now sweating through every piece of clothing I'm wearing.  But damn do I feel 1000x better than when I walked in here to see my birthday bag chewed through by a pitbull puppy.  The music has remained loud so that I don't have to hear his constant puppy whine as he is locked on the side of the house behind bars.  All I hear is sweet sweaty music. :-)

SAP...  nope...not Spanish simulcast.  I wish.  Unfortunately that will be my next academic hurdle.

I never feel as alive is when I'm kicking, flailing to survive.  What is wrong with me?  It's just as bad as when I watch couples who can only know they love each other when they're fighting.  Without the friction of conflict, how do brains know they are existing in the correct dimension?

Think about that one for a while.  I'm sure I'll be back in less than a decade.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Bounty, The Quicker Picker Upper, but sometimes just messy

What is at the core of all that ails us in this world? What is so hard about simply being kind and treating each other with dignity and respect?  Agree that I do not have to be more right than you, nor you me, and where we have differences we agree to disagree?  I read an article about how a 78 year old Argentine Catholic Pope can be open to bringing gays and divorcees back into the fold and in the next article a 12 year old middle school cheerleader boy kills himself because words like faggot and homo can still cut deeper than any knife. belief goes like this:  I don't like what you do or how you do it or how you say it so instead of ignoring or tolerating you, the solution is I harm you, hurt you, kill you so that you no not to I don't have to be be subjected; don't have to be peaceful; don't have to be what you would like.  Catch-22.  One view of utopia is for all to be willing to come to the table and know that they will compromise something; must give and take for all to exist...that in its very design creates the over-arching pressure of being forced to change, not to be as one might otherwise naturally wish to be--or a central belief that one is being asked not to practice or have.  Lose-Lose...

And this isn't just on a global scale--country to country.  I'm an American in an America where one half of the populous can't come to consensus with the other half about any major political issue and so we muddle through making each other miserable while patting ourselves on the back about how wonderful we are and how fortune to have the freedom to disagree to such a degree that we have devolved... 

And then there is the brightness of beauty, intentions so pure of purpose; selfless acts that make me believe that we can all coexist.  When this happens on a large scale with thousands or millions involved it is fleeting.  I have never seen it sustained, whether that's from the outpouring of aid right after a natural disaster or a candlelight vigil for a boy of 12 whose light was to cheer and bring joy to others.  I don't want to see children die by their own hand because of twisted words that break their soul, nor do I want to see them die by the dismissive wave of a gun, in the withholding of medicine to disease because greed grants bonuses and giveaways have an allowable/acceptable amount where we call it corporate charity.  It also has a bottom line where profit margins mar moral mapping.  Sometimes.   Remember there are no absolutes...really.  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is ending polio around the world and that is amazing.  There are those in the billionaire world who understand that they will never want for anything and while not their responsibility to carry the masses of others, that they must do more than sit back and count the exponential growth of their assets.

I became so disillusioned and drowned many years ago.  Some would argue that I was never really resuscitated and I'm still drowning while I have never felt more capable of treading water in the ocean than ever before.  I know when to rest.  I know when to kick like everything depends on it; and I've simply chosen to use that much energy ultimately in hope; helping people; healing in process.  (Being hurt by those that I would allow to be close enough to cause wounds.  I have learned how to take a punch more than just physically.)

So maybe this spurt of words will continue... Maybe