Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Soul Evaporates

When one has spent time and effort to build a "role persona" for others to see, such as the decisive boss, the omniscient teacher or charismatic socialite, it is easy to get lost if it is just a fascade and not who the person is at the core.  Who are we?  While playing many roles in life isn't uncommon, I think getting lost is.  How can you find yourself if not lost to begin with?  (Or if not lost, unknown.)

I'm looking out the window toward the pool and I can see the heat escaping as the rain dives down to mix with the chlorinated water.  It was in this very water where I watched Xander evaporate into the James he truly was for a moment.  It was in this water where I watched my James be a fish he loves to be. 

Ambient music from leads me to think today will be heavy to balance out the extreme levity that I approached yesterday with.

Friday, January 08, 2010


I want a floor to ceiling mirror that has "You Are Here" printed on it.