Saturday, September 27, 2008


A man sat down and a smell came with him. That is all I have to say.

This is the balance I get for getting to leave work early.

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Soda Jerks

It's that time of morning when the sun tries to override the night's hold on light. Some mornings the night relinquishes control promptly with the sounds of birds and morning cars to bring in the day. Today, the night fights back and a gray, overcast sky obscures much of the sun still. I stand at the front desk with the artificial lights still above me looking much like heat lamps from a fast food establishment. I'm warm.

Two more hours and the shift ends. I walk to catch a bus. I spend time with my boyfriend before closing my eyes and attempting the daytime sleep so that I can do this night routine all over again. It's like the sun just heard me type that last line because I can start to see ripples in the pool where there are still people dipping in and out of as has been the practice all night long. Working this graveyard shift only two nights a week pulls me in and out of this world; in, just long enough to understand and get used to it, then out, to remind me what that this nighttime playground is a subculture within a subculture....

After tonight, it's back to Long Beach for a couple days and hopefully time where I mix the worlds I keep keep active memberships in.

I've been thinking of Nathan and Randy a lot lately. Perhaps my days off will allow for those thoughts to come to some type of action. There seems to always been something that is important in the moment that moves my thoughts. Tasks and day planners have been my solution in the past. Pen & tried and true processes.

As we're fond of saying around The Inn...."You can have a coke." (Mad TV reference)

Friday, September 05, 2008

Month Nine, Day Five

It's September and the buses are full of the extra bodies of those going to school. I am lucky to have a seat. Spanish being spoken to my left, Tagolag to my right. We're at La Brea & Santa Monica Blvd. and I'm wide awake for this hour.

This has been a very long week. Sleep was a valuable comodity that I could not seem to come by, but in its place there was knowledge gained, and the tradeoff was worth it for me. And though it is Friday and the ending of the week for most everyone standing on the bus, it is my first day back to The Inn and back up in LA.

I managed to make it home for two nights this week.

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